Swimmers in reserve …
Why are a whole 30 ejaculations required, after the valve implantation, until the user is sterile? Why isn’t it directly dealt with as soon as the switch is flipped? That would actually be really convenient. On, off, on, off… Unfortunately nature has foiled that plan.
It could have been so simple. Switch on, closed for baby-making business, switch off, good to go. Light on, light off. Engine on, engine off. Not the case here. So why not?
At the beginning of puberty the male testicles start producing several million sperm cells per day. Everyday. Non-stop. Very seldom would a situation occur in which a man had sex all day long. Every day… All. Day. Long. Let’s just be honest here. So what to do with all those swimmers? Into the warehouse; the epididymis, where they wait until they’re needed.
So. The Bimek SLV blocks travel in the spermatic ducts after the testicles. The situation should already be settled at this point. Wrong. Because in the seminal vesicles, as well as in the prostate, there are leftover sperm cells present that still need to be dismantled, or launched out. And this can take 30 ejaculations or 3 to 6 months.
Thus, one is not immediately sterile after the Bimek SLV implantation, but only after the riddance of the sperm cell reserve. However, going the other way around gives immediate results, because the body does not take a break from producing sperm cells. As soon as the roads are cleared for travel again, the swimmers make their way to the exit. Until then, they simply end up in the body and are broken down as foreign organisms.
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