Sep 2015
The new contraceptive for men is here
It is the beginning of a new chapter in the development of birth control. The Bimek spermatic duct valve will change everything.
Sep 2015
It is the beginning of a new chapter in the development of birth control. The Bimek spermatic duct valve will change everything.
Sep 2015
Clemens Bimek has been working on the development of the spermatic duct valve for years; the Bimek SLV is now fully technologically developed. Clemens Bimek has shown his faith in his own invention by conducting a few self-experiments, in which he had spermatic duct valves successfully implanted in himself.
Sep 2015
For those who haven’t studied in the field of medicine, do you know what really takes place during ejaculation? As a non-physician and a woman, I certainly don’t know all the medical details.
Sep 2015
Why say thank you? To show appreciation to all those who know how important birth control is in preventing unwanted pregnancies – not just today in our highly-developed, modern culture, but also in our culture’s past and in developing countries around the world.
Sep 2015
The topic of contraception is probably as old as human civilisation. Children were of course wanted in the past – but certainly not always.
Sep 2015
I’m not young anymore, it’s a well-known fact that can’t be overlooked. So, by now, the contraception “problem” is no longer a concern, also because my wife is only slightly younger than I am. I had a vasectomy years ago. Snip snip.