The new contraceptive for men is here
It is the beginning of a new chapter in the development of birth control. Until now, reliable contraception was a pharmaceutically controlled issue only women had to deal with. The Bimek spermatic duct valve will change everything, because now, for the first time, there is a 100%, non-pharmaceutical and reversible contraceptive method for men – for life.
The Bimek SLV was developed by inventor Clemens Bimek after years of detailed work and tested in a self experiment. Now volunteers are being welcomed to take part in the medical approval procedure, because any animal testing is completely out of the question.
Key Facts about the Bimek spermatic duct valve
- The Bimek SLV is fully developed, available and patented.
- A tiny Bimek SLV is attached to each spermatic duct in the scrotum.
- The Bimek SLV, when closed, makes the wearer sterile, as no sperm cells are able to pass through into the ejaculatory fluids.
- The spermatic duct valve can be opened and closed from outside of the scrotum by the wearer via a switch mechanism.
- The product is vegan – no animal testing.
- The manufacturer is seeking volunteers for the Bimek SLV clinical trials.
The contraceptive revolution
There are many methods of contraception. Not all of them are 100 percent reliable, some have side effects and others are irreversible. This will soon come to an end, because the future of contraception is now and it’s fast, uncomplicated and without side effects.
Male contraception is still an unsolved problem for medicine at present. There are exactly 2 contraceptive methods for men; the condom, often seen as a killjoy, and the vasectomy, which is virtually irreversible. Now is the time for the product of Clemens Bimek’s years of dedicated work, the spermatic duct valve.
The spermatic duct valve will change the world
Berliner, Clemens Bimek, had an idea, something that would spare his wife from years and years of taking hormones. His patented invention, a tiny mechanical valve meets the highest standards of medical technology. Once attached to the spermatic ducts, in its closed state, the valve prevents sperm cells from leaving the testicles in the semen. The wearer is sterile.
The result of this contraceptive method is equivalent to that of a vasectomy. The difference; the spermatic duct valve can be opened by the wearer at any time and fertility is, in this way, restored. The sperm cells produced in the epididymis are able to pass the opened valve and flow through the spermatic ducts again and so into the ejaculatory fluids. Once inserted, the Bimek SLV can be worn and used for a lifetime.
100% vegan – no animal testing
Animal testing occurs every day in the pharmaceutical industry and there appears to be no other methods for performing tests for approval procedures. Clemens Bimek has been a devoted vegetarian for years and therefore, from the initial design to the finished product, all animal experimentation was automatically excluded. To date and looking forward, the Bimek SLV has never and will never be tested on animals.
That‘s why only one man in the entire world has, to this day, worn the Bimek SLV – the inventor himself. However, Clemens Bimek needs more volunteers in order to prove that the Bimek SLV is a safe method of contraception. Men, who are man enough to take contraception into their own hands and are willing to have the Bimek SLV implanted, can register themselves for clinical trials on the Bimek SLV website. The surgery is performed by a trained urologist and takes a practically pain-free 30 minutes.
An invention to disrupt the system
Clemens Bimek’s invention has rewarded him no allies in the contraceptive sector of the pharmaceutical industry. The Bimek SLV could pose a huge threat to the pill and other contraceptives. The spermatic duct valve has the potential to disrupt and turn the entire sector upside down. The resistance does not bother Clemens Bimek. He is determined to bring the Bimek SLV to the contraceptives market and to prove, through medical approval procedures, that it works.
All of this requires financing – from the manufacturing and sterilisation, all the way to the packaging. From day 1 he has been searching for sponsors and starts a Crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo on 01 October 2015. Those who support his product here, can become a part of the future of contraception and, with Clemens Bimek, make a difference.