Remote controlled…
The 1st of October marked the beginning of our project and since then it has captured the public’s attention. We’ve seen the development of lively discussions on Facebook, in our Q&A section and in our internal forum. We’ve even found our Email inboxes filled with questions and suggestions.
Naturally some questions come up over and over again, one in particular is, “Why can’t the Bimek SLV be controlled with a remote control or even a Smartphone app?”
Technology 4.0
It’s a valid question, most of our devices can be easily turned on and off with a simple click. Nowadays we can even upgrade our houses in such a way that would ultimately allow us to regulate central heating, switch on lights and close the blinds using an app on a tablet. Developers bringing high-tech products to the market usually configure them with a remote control or with a transmitter and matching Smartphone or tablet app.
So why operate a modern product like the Bimek SLV with an analog switch? Why not design it to be controlled by app or remote?
If the Bimek SLV were remote-controlled, it would not only need a motor, but also a battery and a charging unit. What happens if the battery’s power suddenly runs out? Awkward. It would also require a remote receiver. All these additional components would have to be incorporated into the gummy-bear-sized, 2 gram valve – the SLV would not be able to keep its tiny structure or light weight.
There’s also a health aspect involved; having a motor, battery, charging unit and remote receiver installed in your body could also pose a health risk. Not to mention the costs, which would increase drastically. We haven’t necessarily been taking the cheaper route with regard to materials, we’ve actually opted for only the best of the best and wouldn’t suddenly decide to take the cheapest options with new technology.
Why over-complicate it?
Alongside all the technological aspects, it would become obvious that the implant surgery would be more complicated as well. It should be as fast and simple as possible. With the added components, the surgery would take much longer than half an hour.
Now getting the valve implanted sounds over-complicated, which is exactly what we didn’t want. There’s one thing the Bimek SLV should definitely not be, and that is complicated. It’s an easy to use, manual, one switch device. It makes things in the bedroom (or wherever) simpler, as other contraceptives are no longer necessary. It’s an investment, a once-off payment, instead of buying contraceptives year after year. And without the side effects of hormones, it unburdens the body.
The Bimek SLV is straightforward, uncomplicated – and 100% reliable. Even without a remote control.